L.L. Diamond

News, Blog, and Stories

It’s November already! This year is flying by so quickly. I’m not ready for December yet and it’s swiftly approaching. Nonetheless, it is November, which means it’s time
for another Ask the Author!

So, who is our guest this month?

Well, I had a request for the lovely and amiable

Joana Starnes


to be a guest and guess what? She agreed!

In late September, Joana added 


The Unthinkable Triangle

to her list of accomplishments,
and I know you are all eager to ask her about it and her other wonderful books!

Don’t be shy! There’s plenty to ask! After all, Joana has a total of five books to her name (From this Day Forward, The Falmouth Connection, The Second Chance, The Subsequent Proposal, and The Unthinkable Triangle).

She’s also been so kind as to offer an e-book
of the winner’s choice
for a giveaway!

That’s right! The winner can pick which of Joana’s wonderful books you want!

And the giveaway is open internationally!

So, get your questions in!

Rules for the giveaway – 

If you ask a question on this post, you get 1 chance in the drawing.

If you comment on the final interview, you get 1 chance in the drawing.

If you leave a question and a comment, you get 2 chances in the drawing!

If you already own the book, please join in and ask a question or leave a comment. Authors love answering your questions and hearing from you! 

Please leave those questions below!

16 thoughts on “November – Joana Starnes

  1. Question for our dear author: In The Unthinkable Triangle, as well as many other works of JAFF, authors seem to love to make Darcy suffer, far more than we learn he suffers in canon. Why is that, do you suppose? What is it about Jane Austen’s hero that leads authors to torture him? (PS to Leslie, no need to add me to the contest. I have a paperback copy, and don’t read ebooks.)


  2. MaryAnnN says:

    I would like to know when you got first interesting in writing novels? Secondly when was it that you read your first Jane Austen novel? Which novel was it?
    And who is your favorite Jane Austen character?


  3. JerryT says:

    How accurate are the locations in the Falmouth Connection? Is there really a Falmouth in Cornwall? Google was no help! Thanks!


  4. BeckyC says:

    Colonel Fitzwilliam is my favorite secondary character. I love to see him get more page time.
    Question: What drove you to put The colonel against Darcy for Elizabeth? For me it is an uncomfortable, yet intriguing idea. Thanks!


  5. Good morning/evening ladies. This post is a fan’s dream. Let’s see, do I have a question for Joana? Oh yes!!!

    1) What, in particular, do you love about Jane Austen’s Mr. Darcy?
    2) Who is your second favorite Jane Austen hero?
    3) Do you have a person you pattern your Darcy after (Firth/MacFadyen/James Bond)?
    4) Who is your favorite Jane Austen heroine and why?
    5) Which one of Mrs. Bennet’s daughters are you most like? Would your friends and family agree or would they choose another Bennet?
    6) Do you practice kissing so you can write them so well? (I’m snickering here!)
    7) I LOVE that your stories are fast paced and move along. Is your personal life like that as well?
    8) Do you outline your stories before you write or fly by the seat of your pants?
    9) Do you have a particular place and time scheduled for writing?
    10) What’s on the agenda for the next book?

    Thanks, Leslie, for having this feature. It’s my absolutely #1 blog favorite.


    1. The last sentence needs an editor. It’s my ABSOLUTE #1 blog favorite. Good grief!!!


      1. LOL! I understood it. With the running I’ve been doing all day, I’m surprised I can even make a coherent sentence this evening! Thanks, hon!


  6. Susan F says:

    How did you get interested in writing P&P variations. What is your background (do you have an English Literature Degree). Have you written other fiction.


  7. Pam Hunter says:

    I have all of Joana’s wonderful books, so please don’t enter me in the drawing. 🙂

    Just curious….Joana, which gives you more pleasure…reading or writing JA variations?



  8. Glynis says:

    Thanks Leslie for this post and Joana for the giveaway. I have all the other books and am still trying to win this one before I give in and buy it. I would like to know how you come up with all the great ideas and ask if perhaps the next one won’t have Darcy suffering so much please?


    1. Glynis says:

      I would just like to add – please don’t enter me in the giveaway as I have just given in and bought it! I never was very patient!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I have all Joana’s books so please do not enter me in the give away. I do have a few questions though….When you write a story does inspiration come from a place you visited, such as Cornwall or do you visit a place that you believe would fit into the story? Do you have a specific place and time to write? When your muse decides to be uncooperative what do you do to get her cooperation again (walking, cleaning, listen to music, etc)?


  10. Lúthien84 says:

    1. After going thorough your five novels, I notice all your stories are set in Regency era. Do you have any plans to bring Jane Austen’s novel to modern times?
    2. Any hints on the next book that will be released?
    3. You have written a P&P + Persuasion and P&P + S&S. What about combining P&P with Emma or NA or MP?


  11. Jennifer Joy says:

    I love how well you convey emotions in your books, Joana!
    As a writer, I’d like to ask: What motivates you to write? Do you have a special routine?
    As a reader, I’d like to know: Are you working on the next project? (The world is ready for more of your stories!)


  12. Dung says:

    I recently read “From this Day Forward – The Darcys of Pemberley” and there was a part that hinted to the reverse of “The Unthinkable Triangle”. Did that spark your idea for The Unthinkable Triangle”? You have a wonderful way of including angst filled moments with swoon worthy one with Darcy and Elizabeth. What gives you the inspiration to write them?


  13. Questions are closed! If you would like to leave a comment or question for Joana, please leave it on the finished interview 🙂


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